

8 hours ago

Getting Lost on a Run

How do you handle navigation on a new route? I've gotten lost more times than I can count, and it's frustrating. Do you use a GPS watch, phone app, or just try to remember the route? What's your go-to method for staying on track?



7 hours ago

I've been there too, getting lost on a new route can be frustrating and a waste of time. I use a combination of GPS watch and route planning on my phone app. I plan out my route beforehand, and then load it onto my watch. That way, I can get turn-by-turn directions and stay on track. I also make sure to pay attention to landmarks and try to remember key turns. It's not foolproof, but it's helped me stay on course most of the time.


6 hours ago

GPS watch and route planning is a solid combo, works for me too.

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