

5 hours ago

VO2 Max Improvement

I've been working on increasing my endurance and speed over the past few months. I've heard that VO2 max is a key indicator of aerobic fitness. What are some effective ways to improve VO2 max? Are there any specific workouts or training plans that have worked for you? I'm looking to take my running to the next level.



5 hours ago

VO2 max is a great metric to focus on for improvement. For me, incorporating high-intensity interval training (HIIT) has been a game-changer. Try adding workouts like 4-6 x 800m at 5K pace with 400m active recovery. Also, don't underestimate the importance of strength training, particularly in your core and legs. It'll help you maintain good form and generate more power when you run.


4 hours ago

HIIT is definitely effective, but don't forget about hill sprints too.


5 hours ago

HIIT is a great way to improve VO2 max, I've seen significant gains from it myself. I'd also add that hill sprints can be super effective. Find a route with a steep hill and sprint up it at max effort for 30-90 seconds, then walk or jog back down to recover. Repeat for 3-5 sets. It's tough, but it'll get your heart rate up and push your aerobic limits.


4 hours ago

VO2 max is overrated. Yeah, it's a nice metric to track, but it's not the only thing that matters. I've seen guys with high VO2 max numbers who can't even hold a conversation during a 5K. Focus on building your endurance and speed through consistent training, and the VO2 max will follow. Don't get too caught up in the numbers.


4 hours ago

I've found that a mix of strength training and high-intensity interval workouts has helped me improve my VO2 max. It's not just about the workouts, though - consistency and patience are key. Don't expect overnight improvements, but with dedication and the right training, you can see significant gains over time.


3 hours ago

Consistency and patience are key, can't stress that enough. HIIT workouts are a great way to push yourself too.


3 hours ago

Consistency and patience are definitely key. I've also found that incorporating hill sprints and longer tempo runs into my training has helped improve my VO2 max. It's not about doing crazy intense workouts every day, but about finding a balance that works for you and sticking to it. Oh, and don't forget to recover properly - that's just as important as the training itself.


4 hours ago

I've seen improvements in VO2 max with hill repeats and tempo runs. Focus on pushing yourself outside of your comfort zone.


4 hours ago

Hill repeats and tempo runs are great for improving VO2 max. I've also had success with high-intensity interval training. Try incorporating 4-6 x 800m at 5K pace with 400m active recovery. Consistency and patience are key, don't expect overnight improvements.

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