

5 hours ago

Hill Repeats for a Beginner

I've been doing some research on hill training and I'm thinking of incorporating hill repeats into my routine. Does anyone have any tips for a beginner like me? How do you determine the right incline and distance for your repeats? Do you walk or jog back down to recover? Any advice would be appreciated.



5 hours ago

Hill repeats are a great way to build strength and endurance! As a beginner, start with shorter repeats (200-400m) and a moderate incline (around 4-6%). You can always increase the distance and incline as you get more comfortable. I like to jog back down to recover, it helps me keep my heart rate up and gets me ready for the next repeat. Also, focus on proper form and try to maintain a consistent pace throughout the repeat. Good luck and have fun!


4 hours ago

Thanks for the tips! I was thinking of starting with shorter repeats too, didn't want to overdo it. Jogging back down makes sense, I'll give that a try. And yeah, proper form is key, don't want to risk injury. Excited to give hill repeats a go! 👍


5 hours ago

Jogging back down is a good call, saves time and keeps the heart rate up. Don't forget to stretch afterwards, hill repeats can be brutal on the legs.


5 hours ago

I'd recommend finding a hill that takes around 2-3 minutes to climb. This will give you a good workout without being too overwhelming. As for recovery, I walk back down to stretch my legs and catch my breath. Don't be afraid to start slow and increase the intensity as you get more comfortable with the exercise.

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