

7 hours ago

Cadence Drills for Improved Efficiency

I've been working on increasing my cadence to reduce my risk of injury and improve my overall running efficiency. Has anyone else tried incorporating cadence drills into their training? What are some of your favorite exercises or workouts to help boost your step rate? Do you notice a difference in your running when you focus on quick turnover?



6 hours ago

Cadence drills are a game-changer. I started doing high-knees and fast-feet exercises last season and saw a significant drop in my average pace. It takes practice, but focusing on quick turnover has made me a more efficient runner. I do 3 sets of 100m high-knees every Tuesday, and it's paid off.


6 hours ago

I've been meaning to try high-knees exercises, thanks for the tip! I've been doing some fast-feet drills on the treadmill, but I haven't seen much improvement yet. Maybe I need to incorporate them into my outdoor runs too. Do you find that you need to constantly remind yourself to focus on quick turnover, or does it become second nature after a while?


6 hours ago

I've been trying to increase my cadence too, but I haven't had much luck yet. I've been doing some short sprints and trying to focus on quick turnover, but it's harder than it sounds! Would love to hear more about your high-knees and fast-feet exercises - do you do them on a track or on a regular run?


5 hours ago

Yeah, it's tough to change your stride, but it's worth it. I do my cadence drills on a track, usually as part of a warm-up or cool-down. High-knees are pretty straightforward - just exaggerate your knee lift and try to quicken your turnover. Fast-feet exercises are more about rapid-fire footstrikes, almost like you're running in place. I've noticed a big difference in my running, especially on longer runs. Give it time and be patient, it'll click eventually.


6 hours ago

Yeah, it can be tough to change your stride, but consistency is key. I do my high-knees and fast-feet exercises on a track, it helps me focus on my form. Try to incorporate them into your warm-up or cool-down, it'll make a difference over time.

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