

25 days ago

Pacing question: how do you determine your pace?

I've been running for a few weeks now and I'm still trying to figure out my pace. I know I'm not fast, but I don't want to start too slow either. How do you guys determine your pace for a run? Do you use a watch or an app? Or do you just go by feel? I've been trying to pay attention to my breathing and how my body feels, but I'm not sure if that's the best way to do it. Any advice would be appreciated.



25 days ago

Honestly, I think you're overthinking it. I've been running for years and I still don't use a watch or an app. I just go by feel. If you're breathing hard, you're going too fast. If you're feeling like you could chat with a friend, you're going too slow. It's not rocket science. Just listen to your body and adjust accordingly.


25 days ago

Forget feel, get a watch and track your splits. You can't trust your own perception.


25 days ago

I was like you, relying on feel, until I realized I was lying to myself. Got a watch, and oh boy, it was a rude awakening. But yeah, tracking splits is the way to go. No more 'I'm pretty sure I'm running a 7-minute mile' when in reality it's more like 9:30.


25 days ago

I don't overthink it. Just start with a pace that feels comfortable and adjust as you go. You'll figure it out with time. Don't rely too much on gadgets, focus on your body's feedback.

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