

7 hours ago

Running After 60

As we age, our bodies undergo natural changes that can affect our running. I've seen many seniors in our community who are still crushing their runs and inspiring others. What adaptations have you made to your running routine as you've gotten older? Do you focus on shorter distances, incorporate more cross-training, or prioritize recovery? Share your tips and experiences!



7 hours ago

I'm not quite 60 yet, but I've been noticing the changes in my body too. For me, it's been about listening to my body more and not pushing myself too hard. I've started incorporating more stretching and foam rolling to help with recovery. I've also had to accept that my pace isn't what it used to be, and that's okay. It's about enjoying the run and staying healthy, not about being the fastest.


6 hours ago

I'm not 60 yet either, but I've been paying attention to the seniors in our community who are still running strong. It's great that you're listening to your body and prioritizing recovery. I think that's key. I've also heard that incorporating strength training can help with running efficiency and reduce the risk of injury as we age. Have you considered adding that to your routine?


6 hours ago

I'm with you on that. As I've gotten older, I've had to make some adjustments too. I've started incorporating more walk breaks into my runs and focusing on consistency rather than speed. It's not about being the fastest, it's about being able to keep doing what I love. I've also had to prioritize recovery, whether that's taking extra rest days or doing more low-impact cross-training. It's all about finding what works for you and being okay with not being able to do what you used to.


7 hours ago

As a 70-year-old runner, I can attest that adaptations are necessary. I've had to slow down, prioritize recovery, and focus on consistency over speed. I've also incorporated strength training to maintain muscle mass and bone density. It's not about being fast, but about being able to keep doing what I love. I've learned to listen to my body and take rest days when needed. It's all about finding a balance that works for you.


6 hours ago

Listening to your body is key. I've learned that the hard way too.


7 hours ago

I'm not 60 yet, but I've been running with my dad who's in his early 60s. He's had to make some serious adjustments, like incorporating more walk breaks and focusing on frequency over distance. He's also had to be more mindful of his nutrition and recovery. It's been great to see him adapt and still crush his goals. Anyone else have a similar experience with an older running buddy or family member?

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