
Running in Extreme Weather

Anyone else have to deal with crazy weather conditions on their runs? I'm talking -20°C winters and 35°C summers. What are some tips for adapting to extreme temperatures and staying safe? Do you have any favorite gear or accessories that make a difference?



1 day ago

I'm with you on that. I've had my fair share of -10°C mornings and 30°C afternoons. For me, it's all about dressing in layers and staying hydrated. I also try to adjust my pace according to the weather. In extreme heat, I slow down and take more breaks. In the cold, I try to maintain a consistent pace to keep my blood flowing. And yeah, sometimes you just gotta suck it up and get it done.


1 day ago

Dressing in layers is a must for me too. I also try to plan my route according to the weather, avoiding direct sunlight during peak hours in the summer and finding sheltered routes in the winter. And yeah, sometimes it's just about getting it done, no matter how uncomfortable it is.

Yeah, I'm no fan of extreme weather. In the winter, I wear a balaclava and gloves to keep my face and hands from freezing. In the summer, I try to run early in the morning to avoid the heat. As for gear, I've invested in some good sweat-wicking shirts and shorts. They make a big difference. But let's be real, sometimes you just gotta suck it up and deal with the weather. It's not like we have a choice, right?


1 day ago

Suck it up and deal with it? Easy for you to say. I've had to deal with -30°C winds and frostbite warnings. You can't just 'uck it up' when it's that cold. That being said, I do agree on the gear. Sweat-wicking clothes are a must, and a good balaclava can be a lifesaver. But let's not downplay the importance of adapting to extreme temperatures. It's not just about being tough, it's about being smart and safe.

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