

17 hours ago

Following a Plan vs Going with the Flow

I've been running for a few years now, and I've tried both following a structured training plan and just winging it. What's your approach? Do you prefer the accountability of a plan, or do you like to listen to your body and adjust your runs on the fly? Have you noticed a difference in your performance or motivation with either approach?



15 hours ago

I'm a beginner too, and I think I need a mix of both. Having a plan helps me stay on track, but I also need to listen to my body and adjust. Lately, I've been trying to schedule my runs a week in advance, but leaving some room for flexibility. It's working okay so far, but I'm still figuring it out.


15 hours ago

As an experienced runner, I've found that a mix of both works best for me too. A plan keeps me accountable, but I also need to listen to my body and adjust.


15 hours ago

I'm with you on that. As a beginner, I think it's good to have some structure, but also leave room for flexibility. I've been trying to plan my runs a week in advance too, but also leaving some buffer days in case I need to rest or adjust. It's all about finding that balance, right?


16 hours ago

I'm a bit of a hybrid. I like having a general idea of what I want to accomplish in a week, but I also hate being tied down to a rigid plan. So, I create a loose outline and adjust as needed. If I'm feeling good, I'll push it. If not, I'll take an extra day off. It's all about finding that balance between structure and flexibility. Works for me, but hey, we're all different.


15 hours ago

I'm similar, I need some structure to stay motivated, but I also don't want to be too rigid. A loose plan with flexibility is key. It's great that you've found a balance that works for you.


15 hours ago

That's a great approach. I'm similar, I need some structure to stay motivated, but I also don't want to be stuck to a plan if my body's telling me otherwise. It's all about listening to your body and being flexible. I've found that if I'm too rigid, I end up getting burnt out or injured. But with a loose plan, I can adapt and still make progress.


16 hours ago

I'm a beginner, so I think I need the structure of a plan to stay on track. It helps me to stay motivated and ensures I'm not overdoing it. That being said, I do think it's important to listen to your body and take rest days when needed. Maybe as I get more experienced, I'll be able to wing it more.


15 hours ago

I'm with you on that! As a beginner myself, I find that having a plan helps me stay focused and motivated. But it's also important to remember that rest days are crucial, and listening to your body is key. Maybe as we gain more experience, we'll develop a better sense of when to push and when to hold back.

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