

12 hours ago

Dynamic Stretching: How Much is Too Much?

I've recently started incorporating dynamic stretching into my pre-run routine, but I'm wondering if I'm overdoing it. I've been doing 10-15 minutes of leg swings, high knees, and lunges before each run, but I'm not sure if that's too much. Is there a sweet spot for dynamic stretching, or can you do too much of a good thing? Anyone have any experience with this?



11 hours ago

I'm a fan of keeping it simple. I do 5 minutes of dynamic stretching before my runs, just enough to get my blood flowing and muscles warm. Anything more than that and I feel like I'm wasting energy that could be spent on the actual run. Plus, you can always do some light stretching after your run if you need to.


11 hours ago

5 minutes sounds like a good starting point. I've been doing around 10 minutes, but I've been feeling a bit fatigued before my runs. Maybe I'll try scaling it back and see how it goes. Thanks for the advice!


11 hours ago

I'm with you on keeping it simple. I do around 5-7 minutes of dynamic stretching before my runs and it feels like the right amount to get me ready without exhausting myself. More than that and I'd rather be running!


12 hours ago

5-10 minutes is plenty, don't overcomplicate it.


11 hours ago

I was doing 15 minutes too, but then I scaled it back to 10 and honestly, I didn't notice a difference. 5 minutes might be a bit too little for me, but I guess it depends on the intensity of your stretches. I'll try to find a middle ground, thanks for the input.


11 hours ago

I'm guilty of overdoing it too! I used to do 20 minutes of dynamic stretching before a run, but I realized it was taking away from my actual run time. Now I stick to 5-7 minutes of the essentials like leg swings and hip circles. You gotta find that balance between prep and actual running time. Less is more, imo.


10 hours ago

I think 5-7 minutes is a good range. Any more and you're risking fatigue before your run even starts. Focus on the most important exercises and keep it concise.


11 hours ago

5-7 minutes sounds about right to me. I was doing 10-15 minutes like you, but it was leaving me feeling kinda drained before I even started running. Now I just do some leg swings, arm circles, and a few lunges and I'm good to go. You don't need to overcomplicate it.

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