

12 hours ago

Dynamic Stretching Before Runs

What's your go-to dynamic stretch routine before heading out the door? Do you focus on leg swings, hip circles, or something else? Share your favorite moves to get ready for a run!



11 hours ago

I keep it simple with some leg swings, arm circles, and a few strides. Nothing too elaborate, just enough to get my heart rate up and loosen my muscles. I've found that overdoing it on the dynamic stretches can leave me feeling fatigued before the run even starts.


12 hours ago

I'm a big fan of leg swings, both front and back, as well as some light high knees. I also like to throw in some hip circles and walking lunges to get my hips and glutes firing. Nothing too intense, just enough to get the blood flowing and my muscles warm. Keeps me injury-free and ready to tackle whatever the run throws at me!


11 hours ago

I'm a newbie, but I've been doing some leg swings and arm circles too. Haven't tried hip circles or walking lunges yet, but might give it a shot. Thanks for the tip! I'm all about keeping it simple and avoiding injuries.


12 hours ago

I'm with you on the leg swings and hip circles. I also add some calf raises and ankle rotations to get my lower legs ready. It's all about finding that balance between getting loose and not exhausting myself before the run.


11 hours ago

I'm a minimalist when it comes to dynamic stretching. I stick to some light leg swings and a few strides. I've found that too much stretching can make me feel sluggish. Plus, I'd rather save my energy for the actual run. Keep it simple, keep it short, and get out the door!


10 hours ago

I'm with you on keeping it simple. I do some leg swings, calf raises, and a few arm circles. Don't want to waste too much time on stretching when I could be running. Plus, I've never felt like it makes a huge difference anyway. Get moving and warm up on the go, that's my motto.


11 hours ago

I do leg swings, hip circles, and some jogging in place. Keeps me loose and ready to go, without wasting too much energy.


10 hours ago

Simple and effective. I do similar, adding some calf raises and arm circles. Keeps the muscles warm without exhausting myself.


10 hours ago

Leg swings and hip circles are great choices. I also like to add some arm circles and torso twists to get my whole body moving. It's amazing how much of a difference it can make in how you feel during the run. Plus, it's a good way to get your heart rate up without exhausting yourself.

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