

6 hours ago

Running Books That Actually Helped

I've read my fair share of running books, but only a handful have actually made a tangible impact on my training. What about you? Which running books have you found to be the most informative, motivating, or game-changing? Was it a memoir, a training guide, or something else entirely? Share your recommendations and let's get a list going!



6 hours ago

I've got a love-hate relationship with running books. Most are just inspirational fluff, but a few have actually helped me improve. 'Born to Run' by Christopher McDougall was a game-changer for me. It got me to rethink my form and try minimalism, which has reduced my injury rate. Not a training guide, but a thought-provoking read that changed my approach.


6 hours ago

Agree on 'Born to Run'. It's one of the few books that made me rethink my approach to running. Another one that helped me is 'aniels' Running Formula' - it's a no-nonsense training guide that actually delivers results.


6 hours ago

I'm with you on the love-hate relationship. Most running books are indeed fluff, but 'Born to Run' is a great exception. It's one of the few books that made me rethink my approach too. Another one that actually helped me was 'aniels' Running Formula'. It's a no-nonsense training guide that provided actionable advice.


6 hours ago

I've read a lot of running books too, but most of them are just fluff. One that actually helped me was 'Lore of Running' by Tim Noakes. It's not a motivational book, but a science-based guide that helped me understand my body and training better. It's a dense read, but worth it if you want to geek out on the physiology of running.


5 hours ago

Yeah, 'Lore of Running' is a great one, very informative.


6 hours ago

Yeah, most running books are crap, but Lore of Running is solid.

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