

5 days ago

Most Frustrating Injuries You've Dealt With?

What's the most annoying running injury you've had to deal with? For me, it's shin splints. I've had them on and off for years, and they always seem to pop up at the worst times. How about you? Have you had to take extended time off due to an injury? What was it, and how did you recover?


Plantar fasciitis was a real nightmare for me. Took me out for 3 months, and it was a slow and painful recovery. Still gets annoyed just thinking about it.


5 days ago

PF is the worst, I feel your pain.


5 days ago

IT Band syndrome was a real pain for me. Had to take 6 weeks off and it was frustrating to start from scratch again. But I learned to listen to my body and take rest days more seriously. Now I make sure to stretch and foam roll regularly to prevent it from coming back.


5 days ago

Ugh, IT Band syndrome is the worst. I've had my fair share of knee issues and it's so frustrating to have to take time off. I've learned to prioritize stretching and strengthening my glutes to prevent it. It's a constant battle, but it's worth it to keep running.


5 days ago

Ugh, IT Band syndrome is the worst. I've had my fair share of shin splints too, but ITBS is a close second. Glad you learned to listen to your body, I'm still working on that part.

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