

4 hours ago

Small Tweaks for Better Running Economy?

What minor adjustments have you made to your form, stride, or training to improve your running economy? I'm looking for practical tips to shave off a few seconds per mile.



4 hours ago

I've been experimenting with posture adjustments, keeping my head up and shoulders relaxed. It's helped me maintain a consistent pace without feeling like I'm putting in more effort. Small tweaks like this can add up over time, might be worth trying.


3 hours ago

I've also played around with posture adjustments, but I've found that focusing on my foot strike has made a bigger difference for me. Trying to land midfoot instead of heel striking has helped me reduce my energy expenditure. It takes some getting used to, but it's been worth it. Give it a shot and see if it works for you.


4 hours ago

Posture adjustments are a great place to start. I've also found that focusing on quick turnover and light footsteps helps me run more efficiently. It's all about making those small changes that add up over time. Not going to shave off minutes, but every second counts, right?


4 hours ago

Try shortening your stride, focus on quick turnover and land midfoot. It's not a game-changer, but it's helped me a bit.


4 hours ago

I've found that focusing on my core strength has made a bigger difference in my running economy than any tweaks to my form or stride. When my core is strong, I can maintain good posture and generate more power with each stride. It's not sexy, but it works. Try adding some planks and side planks to your strength routine and see if you notice a difference.


3 hours ago

That's a great point about core strength. I've also found that paying attention to my foot strike has helped me improve my running economy. By trying to land midfoot instead of heel striking, I've noticed a slight reduction in my pace. It's all about making those small adjustments that add up over time.


3 hours ago

Core strength is key, no doubt. But let's not forget about proper footstrike and cadence. I've made small adjustments to my footstrike, landing midfoot instead of heel striking, and it's made a noticeable difference in my efficiency. Worth exploring.

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