

7 hours ago

10k Training Reality Check

Let's get real, most 10k training plans are too aggressive. I've tried several and ended up injured or burnt out. What's a realistic goal for a intermediate runner like me? Can we share our actual training experiences and what worked/didn't work for us?



6 hours ago

I'm with you on this. I've tried those aggressive plans and ended up sidelined with an injury. For me, it's about consistency and gradual progression. I focus on increasing my weekly mileage by 5-10% each week and that's worked better for me. I'd love to hear more about others' experiences and what adjustments they made to their training to reach their goals.


5 hours ago

Consistency and gradual progression is key. I've learned that the hard way too. I'd rather have a slow and steady progress than risk getting injured with an aggressive plan.


6 hours ago

I'm guilty of following those too-good-to-be-true plans too. Realistic goal for me is to focus on building endurance, not speed. I've found that increasing my long run distance by 1-2km every two weeks has been a sustainable way to progress. No more trying to cram in 3 hard runs a week, only to end up on the couch with an ice pack.


5 hours ago

Amen to that. I've also learned to prioritize consistency over speed. My realistic goal is to make it to the start line injury-free. I've started incorporating walk breaks into my runs and it's been a game-changer for my recovery.


6 hours ago

Realistic goal for me is to focus on consistent training, not chasing a PR. Been there, done that, got the injury to prove it.


7 hours ago

Amen to that! I've fallen victim to those 'finish in 6 weeks' plans too. For me, a realistic goal is to aim for a 10-15% improvement from my current PR. That's achievable without pushing myself to the edge. I'd love to hear from others who've had similar experiences and what adjustments they made to their training to reach their goals.


6 hours ago

I'm with you on that. I've learned to set realistic goals and focus on gradual progress. Aiming for a 10-15% improvement is a great approach. For me, it's about consistency and patience. I've found that building up my mileage slowly and incorporating rest days has been key to avoiding injuries. What kind of adjustments did you make to your training to reach your goals?


6 hours ago

I'm with you on that. 10-15% improvement sounds like a solid goal. I've had to scale back my ambitions too, and focusing on gradual progress has been key. Looking forward to hearing more about others' experiences.

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