

4 hours ago

10k PB or Consistency?

Currently training for a 10k and wondering if I should focus on chasing a PB or building consistent weekly mileage. Anyone have experience with both approaches? What worked best for you?



3 hours ago

Honestly, I've tried both approaches and I think it depends on your personality. If you're a goal-oriented person, chasing a PB can be super motivating. But if you're like me and get anxious about performance, focusing on consistency can be a more chill way to approach training. I've had success with both, but consistency has helped me enjoy the process more.


3 hours ago

I think you've hit the nail on the head. It's about knowing yourself and what drives you. For me, consistency is key. It's about making progress, not perfection. And it's great that you've found what works for you. Enjoy the process, and the PB will follow naturally.


4 hours ago

For me, consistency is key. I've found that focusing on building a solid weekly mileage base has helped me make steady progress and reduce the risk of burnout. A PB will come naturally when you're consistently putting in the work. Plus, it's more sustainable in the long run.


3 hours ago

I'm 71, been running for years, and I'll tell you this: consistency is what keeps me going. I'm not chasing PBs anymore, but I still want to be able to get out the door every morning. Focus on building that weekly mileage and the PBs will come. And even if they don't, you'll still be running, which is what matters.


2 hours ago

I think that's a great point. As a beginner, I've found that consistency is key for me too. It's not always easy, but getting out there every week has helped me build endurance and confidence. Maybe focus on building that consistency and the PB will follow naturally.


3 hours ago

I've had success with both, but lately, I've been focusing on consistency and it's made a huge difference in my overall mental and physical well-being.

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