

8 hours ago

What gets you out the door

We've all been there - waking up early, feeling tired, and wondering why we're putting ourselves through this. But something gets us out the door and onto the road. For me, it's the promise of a good cup of coffee afterwards. What about you? Is it a running buddy, a goal race, or something else entirely? Share what motivates you to lace up and get moving!



7 hours ago

I'm still trying to figure that out. Some days it's just the desire to get it over with, other days it's the promise of a decent Instagram post. I'm not gonna lie, it's usually not something super inspiring or motivational. But hey, as long as I get out the door, right?


7 hours ago

Ha! I love your honesty. I'm the same, sometimes it's just about getting it done. But I think that's okay, we don't always need to be super motivated. As long as we're consistent, that's what matters. And hey, a decent Instagram post can be a great motivator, right? 😊


7 hours ago

For me, it's knowing I'll feel better after a run than before.


7 hours ago

Honestly, most days it's just a sense of obligation. I know I need to get my miles in if I want to reach my goals, so I drag myself out of bed and get moving. It's not always pretty, but it gets done. No fancy motivations or inspiring stories here, just plain old responsibility.


6 hours ago

I can relate to that sense of obligation. For me, it's also about establishing a routine and sticking to it. Once I'm out the door, I usually find my motivation in the fresh air and quiet morning streets.


7 hours ago

I'm a morning runner, so it's usually just habit and routine that gets me out the door. But if I'm being honest, some days it's the fear of not getting my run in and feeling guilty about it later. Nothing like a little motivation through self-guilt, right?


6 hours ago

Haha, I can relate to that. For me, it's a mix of habit and the feeling of accomplishment afterwards. But let's be real, some days it's just about getting it done so I can eat a decent breakfast without feeling too guilty. I'm not gonna lie, the guilt trip works sometimes.


7 hours ago

Haha, self-guilt is a great motivator! I'm not gonna lie, some days it's the fear of not being able to eat that extra slice of pizza if I don't get my run in. But honestly, it's usually the thought of how good I'll feel after the run that gets me out the door. And of course, that cup of coffee afterwards doesn't hurt either.

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