

12 hours ago

Common Beginner Runner Mistakes to Avoid



11 hours ago

Yeah, I was guilty of that too - trying to do too much too soon. Now I make sure to have rest days and not push myself too hard. It's hard to be patient when you're just starting out, but it's worth it in the long run. Literally.


10 hours ago

Preach! I've been there too, and it's amazing how much of a difference rest days can make. Now I prioritize them just as much as my runs.


11 hours ago

Patience is key, indeed. Don't rush it, or you'll end up injured.


12 hours ago

Good read! I wish I had seen this when I first started running. One mistake I made was not gradually increasing my mileage, which led to a few injuries. Now I make sure to pace myself and listen to my body. Thanks for sharing!

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