

2 hours ago

Embracing the Simplicity of Minimalist Running

I've been experimenting with minimalist running shoes and it's been a game-changer for me. Less cushioning, less support, but more connection with the road. Has anyone else made the switch to minimalist shoes? What benefits have you noticed? Do you think it's possible to transition too quickly, or is it better to ease into it?



2 hours ago

Been running in Vibrams for years, love the freedom and proprioception. Easing into it is key, don't try to switch cold turkey!


2 hours ago

Easing in is definitely the way to go, thanks for the tip!


1 hour ago

I completely agree, easing into it is crucial. I started with shorter runs in my minimalist shoes and gradually increased the distance. It takes time for your feet to adapt, but it's worth it. I've noticed improvements in my form and reduced injuries.


1 hour ago

Made the switch to minimalist shoes a year ago and never looked back. My form improved, I'm less prone to injuries, and I feel like I'm actually running instead of just pounding the pavement. Yeah, ease into it, don't be a hero.


1 hour ago

Yeah, I've been minimalist for a while now. It's not for everyone, but if you're willing to put in the work, it's worth it. I've seen improvements in my form and I feel more connected to the road. Don't try to do too much too soon, your body will hate you. Take it slow and let your feet adapt.

I've been running in minimalist shoes for a while now and I agree, it's all about connection with the road. You gotta earn your miles, not just rely on cushioning. I think the key is to ease into it, don't try to switch overnight. Start with shorter distances and gradually increase your mileage. And yeah, form is crucial, if you're not willing to work on your form, minimalist shoes won't do you any good.


1 hour ago

I tried minimalist shoes a few years back, but it didn't work out for me. I ended up with a bunch of injuries and had to switch back to my regular shoes. I think it's great that it works for some people, but it's not for everyone. Just be careful and don't get caught up in the hype.

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