

2 hours ago

GPS Tracking Accuracy

I've been noticing that my GPS watch has been giving me some wonky readings lately. Anyone else experience this? I've tried resetting it, updating the software, and even switching to a different satellite system, but nothing seems to make a difference. Is it just me, or are GPS tracking devices inherently flawed? What's the most accurate GPS watch you've used?


I've had similar issues with my old Garmin. Found that tree cover and tall buildings affect accuracy. Try running in open areas to see if it improves.


2 hours ago

Yeah, tree cover and tall buildings can definitely affect GPS accuracy. I've had similar issues in the past. You might also want to try calibrating your watch before a run to see if that makes a difference. Don't think it's just you, it's just the technology's limitations.


2 hours ago

Yeah, tree cover and tall buildings can definitely mess with GPS signals. I've had my fair share of wonky readings in urban areas. But, I've found that some watches are more resistant to interference than others. Have you considered trying a different watch or a GPS device specifically designed for running in urban areas?


2 hours ago

I've had my share of GPS woes too. I think it's a combo of the device itself and environmental factors. I've found that my watch is more accurate when I run at dawn or dusk when there's less satellite interference. Also, I make sure to calibrate my watch before every run. Not sure about the most accurate watch, but I've heard good things about the Coros Apex.


1 hour ago

Yeah, I've had similar issues with my GPS watch too. I think calibration is key, like you mentioned. I also try to avoid running near tall buildings or under heavy tree cover, that seems to help. Haven't tried the Coros Apex, but I've heard good things about it. Have you considered trying a different brand or model to see if that makes a difference?


1 hour ago

Calibrating before every run? That's a bit much, don't you think? I mean, I get it, it's good practice, but it's not like it's gonna make a huge difference. And yeah, environmental factors definitely play a role. Trees, buildings, all that jazz. But I've had issues even in open areas. Maybe it's just the technology itself, like you said. I've been looking into the Coros Apex too, might give it a shot. Anyone else have experience with it?

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