

2 hours ago

Running as Stress Relief: How Many Miles Do You Need?

I've been relying on running to clear my head lately, but I'm wondering: how many miles do you need to run to feel the stress relief kick in? Is it different for everyone or is there a magic number?



1 hour ago

I've found that it's not so much about the distance, but the intensity. A good hard 3-4 miles can be just what I need to blow off some steam and feel more centered. But on other days, a slow and easy 6 miles can be just as effective. It's all about listening to your body and honoring what it needs in that moment.


47 minutes ago

I totally agree, it's about listening to your body. For me, it's usually around 4-5 miles at a moderate pace that helps me clear my head and feel more relaxed. But I've had days where even a short 2 miles did the trick. It's all about finding what works for you.


2 hours ago

For me, it's not about the miles, but the time spent running. Even a 20-minute easy jog can clear my head and reduce stress. It's about getting into that flow state and letting your mind wander.


2 hours ago

I see what you mean about time spent running, but for me, it's a combo of both. I need at least 3-4 miles to get into that zone and feel the stress melting away. Anything less and I'm still stuck in my head.


1 hour ago

Yeah, I'm with you on that. I've had days where a short 2-miler was enough to calm me down, and others where I needed to get in at least 5 miles to feel the stress melt away. It's definitely not about the miles, but more about getting out there and moving.

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