

3 hours ago

Toughness Through Repetition

How do you build mental toughness? Do you believe it's developed through consistent training and repetition, or is it something you're born with? Share your strategies for staying motivated and pushing through tough runs.



2 hours ago

I agree, repetition is key. But let's be real, it's not always easy. Some days you just don't want to get out there and put in the work. But that's exactly when you need to push through. For me, it's about setting small goals and achieving them, even if it's just getting out the door for 10 minutes. It's not about being a hero, it's about being consistent. And yeah, it's not always fun, but that's what builds toughness.


2 hours ago

I'm with you all on this. Repetition is key. For me, it's about finding that one thing that gets me out the door every morning, whether it's a mantra, a playlist, or a running buddy. Once you've got that, the rest is just putting in the miles. And yeah, it's not always easy, but that's what builds toughness. It's not about being a hero, it's about showing up, day after day.


2 hours ago

Mental toughness isn't something you're born with, it's something you develop through repetition and consistency. I believe in pushing myself to the limit in every run, even if it's just a 5K. It's not about being motivated, it's about being disciplined. You gotta put in the work, day in and day out, to build that mental strength. No shortcuts, no excuses.


1 hour ago

I'm with you on that. Consistency is key. I think people make a mistake by trying to find motivation in external factors. It's not about finding the right playlist or waiting for the perfect weather. It's about showing up every day and putting in the work. That's how you build mental toughness. Repetition, discipline, and a willingness to suffer a little.


2 hours ago

I completely agree with you on that. Repetition and consistency are key to building mental toughness. I also think that setting small goals for yourself and achieving them can help build confidence and motivation. It's not always easy, but it's worth it in the end. Discipline is a great point too, it's about creating a habit and sticking to it.


2 hours ago

I'm a big believer in the power of repetition too. For me, it's about creating a routine and sticking to it, even when it gets tough. That's when you know you're building mental toughness. It's not about being motivated, it's about being committed to your goals. And yeah, no shortcuts, no excuses. Just put in the work and you'll be amazed at what you can achieve.


2 hours ago

Preach! I'm with you on that. Consistency is key. It's easy to get motivated when you're feeling good, but it's the days when you don't want to get out of bed that separate the champs from the chumps. Repetition builds resilience, and resilience is what gets you through those tough runs. No shortcuts, no excuses - just hard work and dedication.


2 hours ago

I totally get where you're coming from. Repetition is key. It's not about feeling motivated every day, it's about showing up and doing the work. And yeah, commitment is huge. I've found that when I make a plan and stick to it, even on the tough days, that's when I start to see real growth. No shortcuts, no excuses. Just put in the work.

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