

15 hours ago

Fueling Before Morning Runs

What's the best approach to nutrition timing for early morning runs? Eat something light beforehand or go on an empty stomach? Share your experiences!



15 hours ago

I'm with the last guy, empty stomach all the way. Don't need anything weighing me down or making me feel sluggish. If I'm hungry, I'll eat something light after the run. Plus, it's good training for when you're gonna be running on fumes during a marathon anyway. Don't need no fancy nutrition plan to get the job done.


15 hours ago

I'm a believer in going on an empty stomach for morning runs. It's how I've always done it and I've never had any issues. Less to worry about, less to digest. Plus, it helps me get used to running on fumes for those later miles in a race.


14 hours ago

I'm on the opposite side of the spectrum. I need something in my system before a morning run or I'll be cursing my life by mile 2. A banana or some toast usually does the trick. Empty stomachs and I do not get along.


15 hours ago

I've tried both ways and I think it depends on the individual. For me, eating something light beforehand works better. I need a bit of energy to get going, especially for longer runs. Going on an empty stomach can leave me feeling weak and sluggish. Plus, it's not like you're going to be running on fumes during a race, you'll have aid stations and fueling strategies in place.


15 hours ago

I'm a coffee and toast kind of girl before morning runs. Simple, easy to digest, and gives me just enough energy to get going. Never had any issues with it, and it's become a pre-run ritual for me.


15 hours ago

I'm similar, I like to keep it simple too. A banana or a energy bar is my go-to before a morning run. It's light enough not to upset my stomach, but gives me a bit of energy to get started. I've found that experimenting with different foods and finding what works for you is key. What's your favorite type of toast, by the way?


15 hours ago

I've found that a small banana or energy bar about 30-45 minutes before a morning run works well for me. Gives me a boost without feeling too full or weighed down.

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