
Interval Training for Mortals

I've been hearing a lot about the benefits of interval training, but let's be real, it's not for everyone. I've tried incorporating it into my routine, but it's hard to keep up with those 400m sprints. Has anyone found a way to make interval training more accessible for intermediate runners like myself? What are some modifications or workouts that can help us mere mortals reap the benefits without feeling like we're going to die?



1 day ago

I'm right there with you! I've struggled with interval training too. One thing that's helped me is focusing on pace instead of distance. Try aiming for a certain pace for a shorter interval, like 1-2 minutes, and then walk or jog to recover. It's not about being fast, it's about pushing yourself outside of your comfort zone.


1 day ago

Pace over distance, that's a solid approach. I've done similar workouts, and it's all about finding that sweet spot where you're challenged but not dying.


1 day ago

Yeah, pace over distance is a good approach. I've also found that breaking it down into smaller, manageable chunks helps. Instead of 400m sprints, try 200m or even 100m intervals. It's not as intimidating and you can still get the benefits. Plus, it's easier to recover from.


1 day ago

I've tried interval training too, and yeah, it's brutal. I've found that breaking it down into smaller, manageable chunks helps. Like, instead of 400m sprints, try 200m with walking breaks in between. It's not ideal, but it's better than nothing.


1 day ago

Start with shorter intervals and gradual progression, that's the key. Don't try to do too much too soon, you'll only get discouraged.


1 day ago

Yeah, 400m sprints can be daunting. I like your approach of breaking it down into smaller chunks. I've also found that incorporating hill repeats can be a good alternative. It's not as intense, but still gets your heart rate up. And honestly, any form of interval training is better than none, right?


1 day ago

I'm with you! I've tried interval training and it's tough. One thing that's worked for me is starting with shorter intervals and gradually increasing the distance and intensity. It's not about being a superhero, it's about making progress. Maybe we can start a thread on modified interval workouts for us mere mortals?


1 day ago

Shorter intervals are a great idea. I also find that mixing it up with hill repeats or incline treadmill workouts helps make it more manageable.

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