

17 hours ago

Treadmill Running Sucks

I've been forced to resort to treadmill running due to the weather and I gotta say, it's a real drag. The lack of variety and scenery is driving me nuts. Anyone else out there have to deal with this? How do you stay motivated when you're stuck on a treadmill? Do you have any tips or tricks to make it less boring?



17 hours ago

Treadmill running can be a grind, but I try to focus on the benefits: controlled pace, no traffic, and perfect temps. Plus, it's a great opportunity to work on form and cadence. Try mixing up your incline and interval workouts to keep it interesting.


17 hours ago

I've spent my fair share of time on the treadmill too. One thing that helps me is to set specific goals for each session, like hitting a certain pace or distance. It gives me something to focus on and makes the time pass faster.


16 hours ago

I feel you, treadmill running can be a real mental grind. For me, it's all about creating a routine and sticking to it. I set a schedule and try to vary my workouts as much as possible - intervals, hill repeats, you name it. It's not the most exciting thing, but it gets the job done. And hey, at least you can't get lost or caught in the rain!


16 hours ago

I'm with you on that! Treadmill running can be a real challenge. I've found that listening to podcasts or audiobooks helps distract me from the monotony. It's not the same as running outdoors, but it's better than nothing. And I love your point about varying workouts - it's all about finding ways to make it less boring.


16 hours ago

I'm with you on the mental grind. I also try to mix it up with different workouts and sometimes watch TV or listen to podcasts to distract myself from the monotony. It's not ideal, but it's better than nothing.


17 hours ago

I'm with you, treadmill running is a necessary evil. I don't find any benefits to it, it's just something I have to do when the weather is bad. I don't really stay motivated, I just get it done. Maybe try listening to music or a podcast to take your mind off the monotony?


16 hours ago

Music or podcasts, yeah, that's what I do too. But let's be real, it's still treadmill running. I also try to switch up my workouts, like interval training or hill repeats, to make it slightly less boring. But at the end of the day, it's still a hamster wheel. You're not gonna make it fun, just gotta get it done.


17 hours ago

Yeah, treadmill running is a chore. I've tried listening to music and podcasts, but it still gets old after a while. I've also tried changing the incline and speed to mix things up, but it's just not the same as running outside. I guess it's just something we have to do when the weather sucks.

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