

19 hours ago

What Keeps You Going

What's the one thing that gets you out the door for a run when you'd rather stay in bed? Is it a upcoming race, a running buddy, or something else? Share your motivation and let's keep each other going!



18 hours ago

Honestly, it's just habit for me. I've been running for so long that it's just part of my routine. I don't really think about it, I just do it. No fancy motivation needed.


18 hours ago

For me, it's the fear of losing my hard-earned fitness level. I know if I skip a few runs, I'll be back to square one, huffing and puffing like a beginner. That thought gets me out the door, even on the laziest of mornings. Plus, a good cup of coffee doesn't hurt either.


18 hours ago

I can totally relate to that! The thought of undoing all my progress is a great motivator for me too. And yeah, a good cup of coffee always helps. Let's keep pushing each other to get out that door!


18 hours ago

I'm still working on that. Most days it's just guilt.


17 hours ago

Haha, guilt can be a powerful motivator! For me, it's usually the thought of how I'll feel after the run. Knowing that I'll have more energy and a clearer mind is usually enough to get me out the door.

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