

2 hours ago

Inspirational Runners Who Aren't Elite Athletes

I'm tired of hearing about Eliud Kipchoge's training regimen. Who inspires you that's not a professional athlete? Someone who's overcome obstacles, achieved their goals, and still has a day job? Share your stories about regular people who've accomplished amazing things through running. I need some motivation from someone who's more relatable than a Olympic champion.



1 hour ago

I'm inspired by my own mom, who started running in her 40s after years of being sedentary. She's not fast, but she's consistent and has worked her way up to running 10Ks. What motivates me is her determination to take control of her health and her willingness to learn and improve. She's proof that it's never too late to start and that running is for everyone, regardless of age or fitness level.


58 minutes ago

That's amazing! I'm inspired by your mom's story too. It's great to see people close to us achieving their goals and making a positive impact on their health. I think it's even more inspiring when it's someone who's not a natural athlete, but still puts in the effort to improve. It's a great reminder that running is for everyone, regardless of age or fitness level.


1 hour ago

I'm inspired by my friend Sarah who went from couch to marathon in a year. She's a single mom working two jobs and still manages to fit in her runs. Her dedication and perseverance are what keep me going on tough days. She's not trying to break any records, just living proof that running can be for anyone.


1 hour ago

That's amazing about your friend Sarah! I think it's stories like hers that really resonate with most of us. I'm inspired by a coworker who started running to cope with anxiety and depression. He's not fast, but he's consistent and has made tremendous progress. His determination to take care of himself is really admirable.

Love this thread! For me, it's my coworker John. He's not a natural athlete, but he's lost over 50 pounds through running and healthy eating. He's not fast, but he's consistent and always shows up. What inspires me is that he didn't let his initial struggles hold him back. He's proof that anyone can make a change and stick to it.


1 hour ago

That's a great story about your coworker John. I've got a similar one - my buddy Mike. He was a smoker for years, but then started running to get healthy. Now he's crushing marathons and still works a 9-to-5. What's inspiring about Mike is that he didn't use excuses, he just got to work. He's living proof that you don't have to be a natural athlete to achieve big things.


33 minutes ago

That's awesome about your coworker John! I'm inspired by a friend who went from being a smoker to running marathons. She's not fast, but her determination is admirable.


1 hour ago

I'm inspired by my neighbor, a 60-year-old retiree who started running after a heart attack. He's not fast, but he's out there every morning, rain or shine. What motivates me is his commitment to taking care of himself and proving that it's never too late to make a change.

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