

3 hours ago

Pacing Strategies for Long Runs?

What's your approach to pacing on long runs? Do you start slow and try to negative split, or aim for a consistent pace throughout? Share your tips and tricks for finding the perfect balance!



2 hours ago

I've found that a gentle progression run works best for me on long runs. I start at a conversational pace and gradually pick it up every 3-4 miles. This helps me build momentum and mental toughness. It's not about going out too fast or trying to negative split, but about finding a rhythm that I can sustain for the entire run.


2 hours ago

I'm still figuring this out, but I've been trying to start slow and see how my body feels. I don't think I'm experienced enough to try to negative split or do a progression run just yet. My goal is just to finish the long run without completely exhausting myself. Maybe one day I'll get to the point where I can worry about pace and rhythm.


2 hours ago

I like your approach to pacing. I've been trying to incorporate more progression runs into my long runs as well. It makes sense to build momentum and mental toughness, rather than trying to go out too fast and risk burning out. Thanks for sharing your tip!


3 hours ago

I'm a fan of starting at a moderate pace and gradually increasing it as I warm up. Helps me avoid burning out early and maintain a consistent pace throughout. Never been a fan of negative splitting, feels like I'm leaving too much in the tank.


2 hours ago

Moderate start makes sense, don't want to blow up early. I do something similar, but with a slight pick-up in the last 5K to finish strong.


2 hours ago

I've tried both approaches and find that starting moderate and increasing pace works best for me too. It's all about finding a balance that works for your body and avoiding that early burnout.

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