

4 hours ago

Running for Weight Loss

I've been running for a few months now and I've noticed that the pounds aren't melting off as quickly as I'd like. I know it's not just about the number on the scale, but it's hard not to get discouraged. Has anyone else struggled with this? What are some strategies you've used to complement your running routine for weight loss? Do you focus on diet, strength training, or something else? I'd love to hear your thoughts.



4 hours ago

I've been there too! For me, it's about finding a balance between running and diet. I've started tracking my calorie intake and making sure I'm not consuming too much after my runs. It's also important to remember that muscle gain can sometimes mask fat loss, so don't get too hung up on the scale. Focus on progress photos and how you feel instead.


3 hours ago

Great point about muscle gain! I've also found that incorporating strength training into my routine has helped with weight loss. It's not just about running, you gotta challenge your body in different ways. And yeah, tracking calories is key, it's easy to overdo it after a long run. Thanks for the reminder!


3 hours ago

Don't get discouraged, it's a marathon not a sprint. Focus on progress, not perfection.


3 hours ago

Easy for you to say. I've been focusing on progress for months and I'm still not seeing the results I want. I'm looking for actual advice, not clichés. Has anyone actually tried different diets or strength training routines that worked for them?


4 hours ago

I'm in the same boat. I've been running for a few months and the weight loss has been slow. For me, it's all about diet. I've started cutting back on carbs and focusing on protein-rich foods. It's not easy, but it's worth it. I've also tried to increase my intensity and duration on my runs, but it's hard to make significant changes when you're just starting out. Still, every little bit counts, right?

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