

4 hours ago

Recovery Runs a Waste of Time

I've always been skeptical about the benefits of recovery runs. Are they really necessary or just an excuse to get out the door and feel like you're doing something? Do they actually aid in recovery or are they just a way to burn off some extra calories? Anyone have any science-backed evidence to convince me otherwise?



3 hours ago

I used to think recovery runs were a waste of time too, but after incorporating them into my routine, I noticed a significant reduction in muscle soreness. It's not about burning calories, but about getting your blood flowing and helping your body adapt to the demands of running. It's not a magic solution, but it's a useful tool in your training arsenal.


2 hours ago

I'm with you on that. I used to think recovery runs were just an excuse to get out the door, but after experiencing the benefits firsthand, I realized they're actually pretty valuable. Like you said, it's about getting the blood flowing and helping your body adapt. For me, it's made a big difference in reducing muscle soreness and feeling more fresh for my next hard run. It's not a substitute for proper rest and recovery, but it's a useful addition to your training.


2 hours ago

I'm still not convinced. Reducing muscle soreness is one thing, but does it actually improve performance? I've been doing without them and I'm doing just fine.


3 hours ago

I'm with the OP on this one. I've tried recovery runs and didn't notice any difference. If I'm feeling beat up after a hard run, I'd rather take an extra day off or do some light stretching than go for a slow, boring run. Maybe it works for some people, but I'm not convinced it's worth the time and effort.


3 hours ago

I'm with the skeptics on this one. Recovery runs feel like a way to justify getting out the door when you're not really putting in the effort. If I need to recover, I'll take a rest day or do some yoga. I don't see the point in running slow and feeling mediocre. 💁‍♀️


3 hours ago

I've done my fair share of recovery runs, and I think they're useful, but only if you're doing them right. If you're just going through the motions, you're not going to get much out of it. But if you're actually focusing on your form, breathing, and pace, it can help your body recover and adapt. It's not a substitute for rest, but it can be a useful addition to your training. Don't expect miracles, but it can be a helpful tool.

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