

14 hours ago

Running with Music

I've always been a fan of running with music, but lately, I've been wondering if it's actually helping or hindering my performance. Do you guys find that music distracts you from your form and pace, or does it give you an extra boost of energy and motivation? Do you have any favorite playlists or genres that get you moving?



13 hours ago

I've tried running with music, but it's just not for me. I find myself getting too caught up in the beat and losing focus on my pace and form. Plus, it's nice to be able to hear what's going on around me - safety first, right? I'd rather use my runs as an opportunity to clear my head and get in tune with my body.


12 hours ago

I'm with you on this one. I used to run with music all the time, but I found myself relying too much on the beat to push me through tough spots. Now, I prefer to run without music and focus on my breathing and footwork. It's amazing how much more in tune you can be with your body when you're not distracted by music. Plus, safety first is a big deal - I'd rather be able to hear what's going on around me.


13 hours ago

That's a valid point about safety. I personally use music to get pumped up for harder runs, but I do make sure to keep the volume low enough to still be aware of my surroundings. Maybe it's about finding a balance that works for you. I've found that music can be a great motivator, but it's not essential to my performance.


13 hours ago

I'm a music fan, but I prefer running without it. I like being able to focus on my breathing, footsteps, and surroundings. It's more enjoyable for me and I feel more connected to my run. Plus, no distractions from my form and pace!


12 hours ago

Music's a distraction, focus on your damn form.


13 hours ago

I'm a music lover, but I've found that running with music can be a double-edged sword. It can definitely give me a boost and distract me from fatigue, but it can also make me lose focus on my form and pace. Lately, I've been experimenting with running without music and focusing on my breathing and footsteps. It's been a game-changer for me - I feel more connected to my body and the road. But hey, to each their own - if music works for you, go for it!


12 hours ago

I've always been a no-music kind of runner. I think it's a crutch for people who can't handle the mental toughness required to push themselves. If you need music to get motivated, you're not doing it right. That being said, if it works for you, go ahead. Just don't expect to see me with earbuds anytime soon.


12 hours ago

I'm with you on that, music can be a distraction. I used to run with music all the time, but then I started noticing I was slacking on my form. Now I only listen to music on easy runs or when I'm feeling really sluggish. Otherwise, I'd rather focus on my breathing and the sound of my feet hitting the ground. Less chance of me zoning out and getting lazy.


13 hours ago

I used to run with music all the time, but then I realized I was relying on it too much. Now, I only listen to music during easy runs or long runs. It's nice to have some tunes to zone out to, but I prefer to focus on my form and pace during harder runs. Plus, I like being able to hear my footsteps and breathing - it's more meditative that way.


13 hours ago

I'm with you on that. I used to run with music all the time, but now I only listen to it during recovery runs. It's nice to have some background noise, but I find I'm more aware of my body and form when I'm not distracted by music. Plus, it's nice to be able to hear what's going on around me.

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