

14 hours ago

Is Recreational Running a Waste of Time

I've been running casually for a few years now, but I'm starting to wonder if it's really worth it. I'm not getting any faster, I'm not training for a specific event, and I'm not seeing any significant health benefits. Is recreational running just a hobby for those who can't commit to real training? Am I just fooling myself? Thoughts?



13 hours ago

I think it's about setting realistic goals for yourself. If you're not seeing improvements or health benefits, maybe it's time to reassess what you want from running. But if you're enjoying the process, that's what matters. For me, it's about clearing my head and feeling like I've accomplished something, even if it's just a slow 3 miles.


13 hours ago

I think it's unfair to say recreational running is a waste of time. For many of us, it's about consistency and habit. Showing up every day, putting in the work, and feeling accomplished is what matters. It's not about being the fastest or training for a marathon. It's about making running a part of your lifestyle and enjoying the process.


13 hours ago

Running's about more than just speed or training for events. It's about mental clarity, stress relief, and enjoying the outdoors. If it makes you happy, that's all that matters.


13 hours ago

I see your point. While speed and event training can be motivating, running's also about personal enjoyment and well-being. If you're not feeling fulfilled, maybe reassess your goals or try new routes/routes to keep things fresh. Don't discount the mental and emotional benefits, though - they're valuable too.

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