

2 hours ago

Favorite Running Podcasts for Motivation?

What running podcasts do you listen to for motivation and entertainment during your runs? I'm looking for some new ones to add to my playlist. Do you prefer podcasts with interviews, training tips, or inspirational stories?



2 hours ago

I'm not really into podcasts with interviews or training tips. I prefer ones that are more storytelling-driven. 'Trail Runner Nation' is a good one - it's all about trail running and has some great stories. 'Marathon Training Academy' is another one I like, it's got a good mix of inspiration and advice. Haven't found one that I'm obsessed with yet, but those are some decent ones.

I'm a big fan of 'Run to the Top' and 'The Running Coach'. Both offer a mix of inspiring stories, training advice, and interviews with experienced runners. They're perfect for long runs when I need a boost of motivation. Give them a try and see what you think!

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