

2 hours ago

Dynamic Stretching Before Runs

I've always done some light jogging and static stretches before my runs, but I've been hearing more about dynamic stretching. Has anyone incorporated dynamic stretching into their pre-run routine? Do you think it makes a difference in performance or injury prevention? What are some essential dynamic stretches I should be doing?



2 hours ago

I started doing dynamic stretches before my runs a few months back and I gotta say, it's made a huge difference. I do some leg swings, arm circles, and hip openers. It gets me moving and ready to go. I've noticed I'm less prone to shin splints and my runs feel more effortless. Definitely worth adding to your routine!


1 hour ago

Good call on the leg swings, arm circles, and hip openers. I also like to add some high knees and butt kicks to get my legs ready. It's all about getting your muscles warm and ready for the run. Definitely helps with injury prevention and gets you in the right mindset.


2 hours ago

I switched to dynamic stretching about 6 months ago and it's been a game-changer for me. I do leg swings, high knees, and lunges before my runs. It gets my heart rate up and loosens my legs. I've noticed I'm less stiff during my runs and recover faster. Give it a try, it's worth it!


2 hours ago

Leg swings and high knees are great, also try hip circles and calf raises to target more areas.

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