

36 days ago

5k Training: How Often Should I Incorporate Speed Work?

I've been running consistently for about a year now and I'm looking to improve my 5k time. I've been doing 3-4 runs a week, with one longer run on the weekends. How often should I incorporate speed work into my routine? Should I aim to do intervals or hill repeats once or twice a week? Any advice would be appreciated.


I'm in a similar boat, trying to shave off minutes from my 5k time. From what I've learned, incorporating speed work once a week is a good starting point. Intervals and hill repeats are both great options. Start with once a week and see how your body adapts. You can always increase the frequency later. Also, don't forget to include rest days to avoid burnout.


36 days ago

Great point about rest days, can't stress that enough!

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