

5 hours ago

Barefoot and Broke

I've been experimenting with minimalist running and I have to say, it's been a game-changer. No more fancy shoes or gadgets for me! But seriously, has anyone else made the switch to more minimalist footwear? What are some of your favorite brands or models? And more importantly, how did you deal with the inevitable soreness that comes with transitioning?



5 hours ago

I'm curious about minimalist running too. How did you handle the transition period, did you still wear regular shoes for some runs?


4 hours ago

I've dabbled in minimalist running too, and yeah, it's a whole different beast. I went with Vivobarefoot and it took me a few weeks to adjust. The soreness was real, but it forced me to focus on my form and cadence. Now, I can't imagine going back to those clunky shoes. Anyone else notice how much more connected they feel to the ground?


5 hours ago

Been running in Vibrams for years. Took some getting used to, but my form improved drastically. Soreness was a given, but I eased into it with shorter runs and gradual progression. Don't bother with fancy brands, just get something that lets your foot do its thing.


4 hours ago

I've also made the switch to minimalist footwear and it's been a great decision. I opted for Vivobarefoot shoes and they've been working well for me. The soreness was definitely a challenge, but I took it slow and gradually increased my mileage. It's all about listening to your body and not pushing too hard.


4 hours ago

Vibrams are a good choice, but I've had better luck with Vivobarefoot. They offer a more natural stride and are comfortable right out of the box. Easing into it with shorter runs is key, I agree. I also found that strengthening my ankles and calves helped with the transition. Don't expect it to be easy, but it's worth it in the end.

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