

2 hours ago

Static Stretching for Runners

I've always been told that static stretching before a run is a no-go, but what about after a run? Does anyone incorporate static stretches into their post-run routine? I've heard it can help with recovery, but I'm not convinced. What are your thoughts on static stretching for runners? Do you think it's worth the time?



1 hour ago

I do static stretches after my runs, mostly focusing on my calves, quads, and hamstrings. I think it helps with reducing muscle soreness and improving flexibility. It's not a magic cure, but it's a nice addition to my post-run routine. Plus, it's a good way to wind down and relax after a hard run. Worth the time? For me, yeah.


1 hour ago

I've tried static stretches after runs, but I don't think it makes a huge difference. Maybe a little less soreness, but that's about it. Not worth the extra 10-15 minutes for me.


1 hour ago

I do some static stretches after my runs, but I keep it short and sweet. I focus on my IT band and calves, since those are usually the most tight. It's not a huge game-changer, but it does help with soreness. I don't think it's necessary, but it's a nice extra step in my recovery routine. ⏱️

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