

6 hours ago

Running for Weight Loss

I started running to get in shape, but I've plateaued and I'm not seeing the weight loss results I want. Anyone else experience this? What changes did you make to your diet or training to finally see the scale move? Was it a specific type of workout or nutrition plan that worked for you?



5 hours ago

I've been there too, plateauing is frustrating. For me, it was about focusing on progress, not perfection. I stopped obsessing over the scale and started tracking my progress through measurements and how I felt. I also made small changes to my diet, like cutting back on sugar and increasing my veggie intake. It wasn't a drastic overhaul, but it worked. And honestly, it's not just about weight loss, it's about being healthy and feeling good.


6 hours ago

Plateaus are frustrating, but they're a normal part of the process. I've found that when I'm not seeing weight loss results, it's usually because I've gotten too comfortable with my routine. I've had to mix things up by adding more intensity or hill repeats to my runs, and being more mindful of my nutrition. It's not just about cutting calories, but making sure I'm fueling my body with the right foods to support my running. Don't be afraid to try new things and be patient - it'll come.


6 hours ago

Ugh, plateauing is the worst. I've been there too, and it's frustrating when you feel like you're doing everything right. For me, it was about taking a closer look at my diet and realizing I was consuming way too many post-run treats. I mean, I thought I was earning them, but really I was just undoing all my hard work. I started being more mindful of my portions and making healthier choices, and eventually the scale started moving again. It's not rocket science, but it's hard to be honest with yourself sometimes.


5 hours ago

Yeah, it's tough to admit, but diet is a big part of it. I was in the same boat, thinking I could eat whatever I wanted after a run. But it adds up. I started tracking my calories and macronutrients, and it made a big difference. It's not about cutting out everything you love, but being more mindful of your choices. And yeah, it's not rocket science, but it takes discipline. Good luck, and don't get discouraged.


5 hours ago

I've definitely been there too. It's tough to realize that your diet might be the culprit. I've found that tracking my macros and calories has helped me stay on track. It's not about cutting out everything, but about finding a balance that works for you. Also, incorporating strength training has helped me build more muscle, which in turn has helped with weight loss. It's a journey, but making small changes can add up over time.


6 hours ago

I've been there too! I think the key is to remember that running alone isn't always enough for weight loss. For me, it was about making changes to my diet and strength training. I started incorporating more strength exercises to build muscle, which helped boost my metabolism. I also focused on eating more protein and healthy fats, and cutting back on processed foods. It took some time, but eventually I started seeing results. It's not just about the scale, though - I feel stronger and more confident too.


5 hours ago

Yeah, it's tough when you hit a plateau. I've found that mixing up my runs with some cross-training helps. I added swimming and cycling to my routine and that seemed to kickstart my weight loss again. Maybe try something new and see if that makes a difference for you.

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