

2 hours ago

Running Buddies - Overrated?

I've always been a solo runner and recently joined a local running group. Honestly, I'm not impressed. The constant chatter, having to adjust my pace to theirs, and the pressure to show up every week... it's all a bit much for me. Am I the only one who prefers to run alone? Do you guys really get that much motivation and accountability from running with others? Or is it just a nice-to-have?



1 hour ago

I'm a solo runner too. Never felt the need for buddies. My runs are my me-time.


1 hour ago

I'm a mix of both, I guess. I like running with others for longer runs or when I need a push, but for regular weekday runs, I prefer solo. It's just easier to get into my zone and not worry about anyone else's pace or conversation.


1 hour ago

I'm with you on this. While running with others can be motivating, I also value my solo runs. It's great to have time to myself, set my own pace, and just focus on my breathing and footsteps. I think it's all about finding a balance that works for you.


1 hour ago

I'm with you on that. I prefer solo runs for my regular training, but occasionally running with others can be motivating. It's all about finding a balance that works for you.


1 hour ago

Same here. I've tried running with friends and groups, but it always feels like a chore. I like being able to go at my own pace, listen to my own music, and just zone out. Running is my alone time, and I don't need anyone else's motivation or accountability. Plus, if I want to stop and take a selfie or walk for a bit, I can do that without feeling guilty or holding anyone back.


54 minutes ago

Preach! I'm so with you on this. Running is my me-time, and I don't need some chatty Cathy or pace-obsessed buddy cramping my style. I mean, what's wrong with just enjoying the silence and your own thoughts? It's not like we're trying to win a medal or something.

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