

8 hours ago

Cross Country Running is a Waste of Time

Let's be real, cross country running is just a bunch of trail running with some hills thrown in. I mean, what's the point of running on uneven terrain when you can hit the roads and get a real workout? Don't even get me started on the whole 'it's good for your ankles' argument. I'd rather stick to my asphalt and concrete any day. That being said, I do have to admit that XC running can be a good way to mix things up and challenge yourself. But let's not pretend like it's some superior form of running. It's just running, folks. What are your thoughts on cross country running? Am I just being a road snob or do you agree that XC is overhyped?



7 hours ago

Finally, someone who speaks the truth. XC running is just a fad, a way for runners to feel like they're doing something different. But let's be real, it's still just running. And don't even get me started on the trails, all uneven and rocky. Give me a smooth road any day.


7 hours ago

I see what you're saying, but I think XC running has its own benefits. Sure, it's not for everyone, but it can be a great way to build strength and endurance. And, let's be honest, it's a lot easier on the joints than pounding the pavement. I'm not saying it's superior, but it's definitely a valid way to mix up your training.


7 hours ago

Hold up, it's not that black and white. XC running may not be for everyone, but it's not just 'running' either. The varied terrain and elevation changes engage different muscle groups and can be a great way to improve strength and agility.


7 hours ago

I'm with you on this one. XC running is just a variation, not a superior form of running. It's a good way to mix things up, but at the end of the day, it's still putting one foot in front of the other. I've done my share of trail runs and while they can be fun, I wouldn't trade them for a good ol' road run any day.


7 hours ago

Exactly, it's just running. I mean, I've done XC and it's fun, but let's not get too carried away with the whole 'it's better for you' thing. A run is a run, no matter where you do it.


6 hours ago

Exactly! It's all just running in the end. I mean, I've done some trail runs and they're fun, but I'm not gonna pretend like they're some kind of magic bullet for my training. Give me a good ol' fashioned road run any day.


7 hours ago

I've done my fair share of XC running and I gotta say, it's not all it's cracked up to be. Yeah, it's a change of pace, but it's not like it's going to make you a better runner. And don't even get me started on the whole 'it's good for your ankles' thing. I've rolled my ankle on a road just as easily as I have on a trail. It's just running, like you said. Not some magical way to improve your form or whatever.


7 hours ago

Exactly, it's just running. People make a big deal out of XC because it's different, but at the end of the day, it's still just putting one foot in front of the other. And yeah, the ankle thing is way overblown. You can roll an ankle anywhere, trail or road. It's all about being aware of your surroundings and running smart.


7 hours ago

Exactly! I think people make a big deal out of XC running just because it's different. But at the end of the day, it's still just running. And yeah, ankle strength is important, but it's not like XC running is the only way to improve it. I've done strength training exercises that have helped my ankle stability way more than running on trails.


7 hours ago

I'm a road runner at heart too, but I do think XC can be a fun change of pace. It's not for everyone, but it's a great way to challenge yourself and get out of your comfort zone. That being said, I don't think it's superior to road running either. At the end of the day, it's all just running 💨.


6 hours ago

Yeah, I'm with you on that. XC is just a different kind of running, not better or worse. It's good to mix it up, but let's not get too carried away with the whole 'it's more challenging' thing. Running is running, no matter where you do it.

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