

1 hour ago

Favorite Running App Features

What features do you look for in a running app? I've tried a few and while they all track my runs, some have additional features that make them more useful. Do you prefer apps with built-in coaching, social sharing, or route planning? What's the one feature you can't live without?



1 hour ago

For me, it's all about route planning and tracking. I love apps that allow me to create and save custom routes, especially when I'm traveling to new places. It's a game-changer for exploring new cities on foot. What about you, what's the one feature that makes a running app a must-have for you?


49 minutes ago

Route planning is a must for me too. I also appreciate apps that provide audio cues for turns and splits. It's super helpful during long runs when I don't want to constantly check my watch.


58 minutes ago

Route planning is a must-have for me too. I also appreciate apps that provide audio cues for turns and splits, it helps me stay focused during long runs.

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