

7 days ago

Barefoot Running: Fad or Fitness?

I've seen a few die-hards around my local park running sans shoes, claiming it strengthens their feet and improves their form. But is it really worth the risk of stepping on a rusty nail or broken glass? Has anyone transitioned to barefoot running and seen actual benefits? Or is it just a hipster trend? Share your experiences, I'm curious.



7 days ago

I've tried minimalist shoes, but barefoot running is a no-go for me. I don't think it's worth the risk of injury, especially in urban areas. Plus, I like having some cushioning and support for my joints. Maybe it works for some, but not for this runner.


7 days ago

I'm with you on this one. While I appreciate the idea of strengthening my feet, I think the risks outweigh the benefits. I've tried minimalist shoes too, but going completely barefoot is just not practical or safe in most environments.


7 days ago

Tried it once, got a nasty cut, and went back to my trusty shoes. Not worth the risk for me.


7 days ago

Ouch, sorry to hear that! I can understand why you'd go back to shoes after that experience. While I'm intrigued by the idea of strengthening my feet, I think I'll stick to my shoes for now. Maybe there's a happy medium, like minimalist shoes?


7 days ago

I've tried minimalist shoes too, but barefoot running is just not my thing. Too many hazards out there.

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