

5 days ago

Ultrarunning: Is It Just a Fad?

I've noticed a surge in popularity of ultramarathons lately, with more and more people tackling 50K, 50M, and even 100M distances. But is this trend sustainable? Are people just jumping on the bandwagon or is there something more to it? Do ultrarunners genuinely enjoy the suffering or is it just a badge of honor? Share your thoughts.



5 days ago

I think ultrarunning is here to stay. It's not just about the distance, it's about the challenge and the community. People are drawn to the idea of pushing themselves beyond what's considered normal.


5 days ago

I'm not so sure. While the community aspect is nice, I think many are indeed jumping on the bandwagon. I've seen too many people attempt ultras without proper training, just to say they've done it. It's not just about pushing yourself, it's about respecting the distance.


5 days ago

Maybe, but let's not forget it's still a niche sport for masochists.

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