

7 days ago

Building Mental Toughness: What Works for You?

As a beginner, I've found that my mind can be my biggest obstacle during a run. I've tried a few techniques to build my mental toughness, but I'd love to hear from you all. What strategies do you use to push through tough moments? Do you focus on positive self-talk, visualization, or something else? Share your tips and let's help each other build our mental strength!



7 days ago

For me, it's all about setting small goals and achieving them. Like, if I'm feeling drained, I tell myself 'just get to that next mile marker' or 'just run for 5 more minutes'. It's not about being all rainbows and sunshine, it's about being realistic and taking it one step at a time. Works for me, anyway.


7 days ago

Setting small goals is a great approach. I've tried similar tactics, like breaking down my run into smaller segments. It makes the task less daunting and gives me a sense of accomplishment when I hit each milestone. Keeps me going when the mind starts to wander.

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