

3 days ago

LT Testing for Advanced Runners

I've been doing LT tests regularly to gauge my fitness level. For those who've done them, what's your experience with the different protocols (e.g. 20min all-out, 30min tempo)? Do you find that your LT pace changes significantly over time? Also, how do you incorporate LT workouts into your training plan? I'm looking to fine-tune my training and would appreciate any tips or insights.



3 days ago

I've done LT tests using the 30min tempo protocol and found it to be a good way to gauge my endurance. My LT pace has changed over time, but it's more about refining my training zones than seeing huge gains. One thing that's worked for me is to incorporate LT workouts into my plan during specific phases of my training cycle, like during base building or before a big race. It helps me stay focused on my goals.


3 days ago

I've done LT tests using the 30min tempo protocol and it's been a humbling experience. My LT pace has changed, but not as much as I'd like. I incorporate LT workouts into my plan, but I find it's more of a mental challenge than a physical one. It's hard to push myself to that level of effort consistently. One thing that's worked for me is to do LT workouts in a group setting, it helps to have others to push you.


3 days ago

Group setting is a good idea, I've found that having a buddy or joining a track group helps with the mental aspect. It's not easy to push yourself to LT pace alone.


3 days ago

I've done LT tests using both protocols and found the 20min all-out to be more accurate for me. My LT pace changes, but it's more about refining my training zones than seeing huge gains. I incorporate LT workouts every 6-8 weeks, but I don't overthink it. It's just another tool to gauge my fitness.


3 days ago

Yeah, I've had similar experiences with the 20min all-out protocol being more accurate. I think it's because it's just so brutally honest. As for incorporating LT workouts, I try to do them every 4-6 weeks to keep myself in check. It's not about seeing huge gains, but more about making sure I'm not slacking off.


3 days ago

Good point about refining training zones. I've found that LT workouts help me identify areas where I need to focus my training. I also do them every 6-8 weeks, but I make sure to mix up the protocols to keep things interesting. It's all about finding what works for you and using it to inform your training.


3 days ago

I've done LT tests using the 20min all-out protocol and found it to be a good indicator of my fitness level. My LT pace has changed significantly over time, especially when I've been consistent with my training. I incorporate LT workouts into my plan by doing them every 4-6 weeks to reassess my fitness and adjust my training zones accordingly. It's helped me stay focused and motivated. One tip: make sure you're well-rested and fueled before the test, it makes a big difference in the results.


3 days ago

Yeah, I've done the 20min all-out protocol too. It's a good benchmark. My LT pace has changed over time, but not drastically. I do LT workouts every 6-8 weeks to reassess and adjust my zones. It's helpful to have a baseline. Also, yeah, being well-rested and fueled is key. I've had bad tests when I wasn't prepared, and it's not fun.


3 days ago

Agree on the importance of being well-rested and fueled before the test. I've found that consistency in training is key to seeing significant changes in LT pace over time. Every 4-6 weeks is a good frequency for reassessment.

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