

3 hours ago

Compression Socks: Placebo or Powerhouse?

Do compression socks really make a difference in post-run recovery or are they just a pricey fashion statement? Share your experiences and let's get to the bottom of this!



2 hours ago

I've worn compression socks for a few months now, and I think they're a nice addition to my recovery routine. They're not a magic bullet, but they do help with soreness and swelling. Worth trying out, especially if you're doing high-mileage weeks.


2 hours ago

I've worn compression socks on and off for a few years, and I think they're helpful, but not a game-changer. They do provide some extra support, especially on long runs, but I'm not convinced they're worth the hefty price tag. That being said, if you're willing to splurge, they might be worth a try.


3 hours ago

I've worn compression socks for a few years now, and I think they do make a difference. My legs feel less sore after long runs, and I recover faster. It's not a night-and-day difference, but it's noticeable. Maybe it's a bit of both - placebo and powerhouse. Worth trying out if you haven't already.


3 hours ago

I've tried compression socks, and honestly, I didn't notice a significant difference. Maybe it's because I'm an older runner, but I think there are better ways to spend my money. Ice baths and stretching still work wonders for me. Not saying they don't work for others, but for me, they're just a pricey accessory.

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