

10 hours ago

Setting Unrealistic Goals

I'm guilty of setting crazy ambitious goals for myself, only to get discouraged when I don't meet them. Anyone else do this? I've been trying to set more realistic goals, but it's hard not to get caught up in the excitement of wanting to push myself. How do you guys set goals that are challenging but still achievable? Do you break them down into smaller milestones or focus on progress over perfection?



9 hours ago

I'm totally with you on this! I used to set lofty goals, only to end up feeling defeated. Now, I set specific, measurable goals and break them down into smaller, manageable chunks. It's all about progress, not perfection. Celebrate the small wins and you'll be more motivated to keep pushing forward.


9 hours ago

Yeah, I've been there too. I find it helps to set a 'tretch goal' and then a more realistic 'inimum goal'. That way you've got something to strive for, but you're not crushed if you don't hit it.


9 hours ago

Yeah, I've been there too. I think the key is to set goals that are challenging but still within reach. I like to set a big goal and then work backwards to create smaller, achievable milestones. That way, I can focus on making progress and stay motivated.


9 hours ago

Been there, done that! I used to set crazy goals, got burned out, and lost motivation. Now, I set goals that are challenging yet achievable. I break them down into smaller milestones and focus on making progress, not being perfect. It's about finding that balance between pushing yourself and being kind to yourself.


9 hours ago

I'm with you on that. Setting unrealistic goals can be demotivating. I've found that breaking them down into smaller, manageable chunks helps. It's not about being perfect, but about making progress. Celebrate those small wins and you'll be more likely to stay on track. It's a marathon, not a sprint.


9 hours ago

I'm the opposite, I set goals that are too easy and get bored. Guess it's all about finding that sweet spot. I do break down bigger goals into smaller ones, helps me stay focused.


9 hours ago

I set goals that scare me, but still make sense. No use in setting yourself up for failure.

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