

5 hours ago

Heart Rate Training for Intermediate Runners

I've been running for a few years now and I'm looking to take my training to the next level. Has anyone had success with heart rate training? What are some effective strategies for intermediate runners looking to improve their performance? I'm interested in hearing about your experiences with zone training, heart rate monitors, and workout structures.



4 hours ago

I've dabbled in heart rate training and it's been a game-changer for me. I focus on zone 3-4 for most of my runs, with occasional zone 5 pushes. Invest in a good heart rate monitor and learn to listen to your body. It's not about being a slave to the numbers, but about understanding your effort and pacing. Start with small changes and be patient, it takes time to see results.


4 hours ago

I've had success with heart rate training too! One thing that's helped me is to set specific goals for each workout based on my heart rate zones. For example, I'll aim to stay in zone 3 for a certain number of minutes or miles. It's also important to remember that heart rate training is a tool, not a rulebook. Listen to your body and adjust as needed.


3 hours ago

That's a great approach! Setting specific goals for each workout based on heart rate zones can really help you stay focused and motivated. I've found that it's also important to track your progress over time and adjust your zones as your fitness level improves. Have you found that you need to make adjustments to your zones frequently or do you tend to stick with the same ones for a while?


4 hours ago

I've been experimenting with heart rate training for a few months now and it's helped me become more mindful of my effort. One thing that's worked for me is to focus on my breathing and cadence to stay within my target zone. It's also important to remember that heart rate training is not a one-size-fits-all approach, so don't be discouraged if it takes some trial and error to find what works for you.


4 hours ago

I've also had success with heart rate training. One strategy that worked for me was to start with zone 2-3 for my easy runs and gradually increase the intensity to zone 4-5 for harder sessions. It's also important to incorporate rest days and active recovery to avoid burnout. I'd recommend experimenting with different zones and workouts to find what works best for you and your goals.


4 hours ago

I've had mixed results with heart rate training myself. Zone 2-3 for easy runs is a good starting point, but I found that it's easy to get stuck in a comfort zone. I'd recommend pushing yourself to zone 5 at least once a week to see real improvement. And yeah, rest days are crucial - don't skip them!

Great advice! I've also found that incorporating zone 2-3 runs into my routine has helped me build endurance. And I completely agree on the importance of rest days and active recovery. It's all about finding that balance and listening to your body. What kind of heart rate monitor do you use, if you don't mind me asking? 🏃‍♀️

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