

12 hours ago

Staying Motivated During a Slump

Anyone else go through periods where they just can't seem to get excited about running? I'm in one of those phases now and I'm struggling to find my mojo. What do you do to get out of a slump and find your motivation again?



11 hours ago

Been there, done that. Remind yourself why you started, set small goals, and show up. Consistency is key.


11 hours ago

I've been in those slumps too. For me, it's about breaking it down to the basics. I focus on the process, not the outcome. Instead of thinking about the end goal, I focus on putting one foot in front of the other. It's not about being excited, it's about showing up and doing the work. And sometimes, that's enough to get me out of the slump.


11 hours ago

Love that approach. Focusing on the process helps me too. I also try to mix up my route or running buddies to break the monotony. Small changes can make a big difference.


10 hours ago

I'm in a slump right now too. I like your approach of focusing on the process. It's hard to get excited when you're not seeing progress, but showing up and doing the work is key. I'll try to focus on that and not worry too much about the outcome. Thanks for sharing!


11 hours ago

I've been there too. What works for me is to mix up my routine. Try a new route, run at a different time of day, or join a running buddy. Sometimes, a change of scenery is all I need to get out of a slump. And if all else fails, I remind myself that it's okay to not be motivated all the time. It's normal to go through phases.

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