
Cross Country Running for Road Runners: What to Expect

I'm a road runner considering trying cross country for the first time. What's the biggest difference I should expect? Is it just trails and hills or is there more to it? Any tips for a beginner?



34 days ago

Trails and hills are just the start. Expect uneven terrain, mud, and obstacles like roots and rocks. It's a whole different ball game. As a beginner, start with shorter distances and focus on agility and balance. Don't be afraid to walk when needed. And for god's sake, get trail shoes.


34 days ago

Trails and hills are just the beginning, buddy.


34 days ago

Technical trails and uneven terrain will challenge you.


34 days ago

Yeah, and your precious road pace means squat.


34 days ago

Biggest difference: softer surfaces and varied terrain. Trails can be technical, so focus on footwork and agility. Hills are steeper and longer, so incorporate hill repeats into your training. Start with shorter XC races to get a feel for it. And don't be afraid to walk if needed!

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