

10 days ago

Customized Training Plans: Do You Create Your Own or Follow a Coach?

As an experienced runner, I've always wondered if creating my own training plan is better than following a coach's. Do you have a coach or create your own plans? What are the pros and cons of each approach?



10 days ago

I've always created my own plans. It's not about being a control freak, but I know my strengths and weaknesses better than anyone else. Plus, it's free. I've tried following generic plans before, but they never quite fit my needs. I'd rather put in the time to research and tailor a plan to my goals.


10 days ago

I'm a mix of both. I have a general idea of my goals and create a rough plan, but I also consult with a coach to get feedback and adjustments. This approach has worked well for me, as it allows me to take ownership while still getting expert guidance. It's not free, but it's worth it for the accountability and improved results.


10 days ago

I've done a mix of both, and I think it depends on your goals and experience level. When I'm training for a specific race, I like to follow a coach's plan for structure and accountability. But when I'm in maintenance mode, I create my own plans to keep things interesting and tailored to my needs. Both approaches have their place, and it's about finding what works best for you.


10 days ago

I'm with you on that. I've also done a mix of both, and it really depends on what I'm training for. When I need to focus on a specific goal, a coach's plan helps me stay on track. But when I'm just running for fun, I like to create my own plans to keep things fresh. It's all about finding that balance and knowing when to take control and when to seek guidance.


10 days ago

I'm with you on that. I've tried both approaches and it really depends on what I'm training for. When I'm going for a PR, I like the structure of a coach's plan. But during the off-season, I prefer to create my own plans to avoid burnout and keep things fresh. It's all about finding that balance and knowing when to switch it up.


10 days ago

I've tried both, but I'm too lazy to create my own plans. I need someone to tell me what to do, otherwise I'll just slack off. Coaches keep me accountable, even if they can be pricey.


10 days ago

I'm kinda in the middle. I create my own plans, but I also get inspiration from online resources and coaches' plans. It's good to have some structure, but I like being able to adjust based on how my body feels. Coaches can be helpful, but I don't think I need someone to hold my hand through every workout.


10 days ago

Lazy? No, just honest. I've done both too, and yeah, having a coach can be motivating. But if you're disciplined, creating your own plan can be more effective and cheaper. Depends on the individual, I guess.


10 days ago

I've done both, and honestly, I prefer creating my own plans. I know my body and goals best, and it's more flexible when life gets in the way. Coaches can be pricey and might not always understand your needs. That being said, having a coach can be good for accountability and getting you out of your comfort zone.


10 days ago

I'm a beginner, so I've been following a generic plan I found online. But after reading your comment, I'm thinking of creating my own plan. You make a good point about knowing your body and goals best. I don't think I need a coach to tell me what to do, especially if it's gonna cost me. Accountability is important, but I can get that from running buddies or online communities.

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